Download Error Doctor 2006 v1.0.0.6

The program’s main window is both stylish and easy to use, letting you easily choose which areas of your PC’s registry to scan for errors.By using Error Doctor regularly and repairing your registry your system should not only be more stable but it will also help Windows and your software run faster.The Windows Registry are a common cause of Windows crashes and error messages. The application searches for such errors as corrupt fonts, invalid keys, bad ActiveX controls, and broken shortcuts. Unfortunately, it doesn’t provide any extra information on the items it detects, making the program unsuitable for novices.We like that Error Doctor automatically can back up your registry before changing it, and busy folks will appreciate the inclusion of a scheduling tool. However, the trial version won’t remove any erroneous keys it locates, rendering us unable to deliver a verdict on its performance.

This is the simplest way to clean up the registry. Automatic Scan is recommended for 'non-technical' users. After the scan is complete, Error Doctor will show you a full list of errors with details, and let you fix individual invalid entries or all invalid entries of a certain type.Before scanning your registry for errors, Error Doctor gives you the option to create a backup file(s) that can be used to undo the changes.but until the developer provides a less-restrictive trial version.........